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Nationally acclaimed, frequented by celebrities, world travelers and local appetites alike, the Loveless Cafe features an all-day breakfast menu as well as a full line-up of traditional supper selections like fried chicken, pork BBQ and Southern sides.
With 100% Oceanwise Compliance & a farm-to-table initiative, Chef Beltrano is bringing out the best of BC. Embracing seasonality, sustainability & simplicity, you'll be sure to find a new favourite at Trafalgars Bistro.
Venues Café is a new restaurant with an upscale American Bistro menu and casual dining atmosphere. Venues invites its patrons to relax and enjoy themselves by trying something from its wine cell, full bar, or fine menu.
Julie's Park Cafe & Motel is family owned and operated. Since 1998, we have employed a diverse staff from around the world to make your stay unique, for the best in Door County lodging.